Blog #547: Transformers Artifact of the Week: Generation Two Dairy Queen Optimus Prime


Transformers Artifact of the Week: Generation Two Dairy Queen Optimus Prime





So, I’ve had one of these without the stickers for years, and finally managed to find a mint one with all the stickers.  To be honest, this thing is a piece of crap.

Available in Dairy Queen Pick-Nic meals in 1994 (or 1995), this toy has no articulation, no transformation, and no hands.  The stickers look ridiculous, I don’t know what they were thinking.  They have nothing to do with Optimus Prime.  There are no real instructions on the stickers, though the sheet seems to outline the toy.  It makes no sense to put the awful readout screen (I assume that’s what it is) sticker over the molded chest, or the two stickers with the two dots on them on his face and grill, so I put those on his back.  This toy was $55 on eBay, but I’ve been looking for a mint one for years.  That wouldn’t seem so much for something like this if it wasn’t a steaming pile of crap.

As always, you can find over 9000 Transformers merchandise items and collectibles at

Thanks for reading!

About lmb3

I’m 36 years old, and I work in network tech support for a public school system. I am a huge fan of Star Trek, Transformers, Harry Potter, and Marvel Comics as well as numerous other fandoms. I’m a big sports fan, especially the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots. I collect toys (mostly Transformers but other stuff too), comic books, and Red Sox baseball cards. I watch an obscene amount of television and love going to the movies. I am hopelessly addicted to Wizard Rock and I write Harry Potter Fanfiction, though these days I am working on a couple of different original YA novels.
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16 Responses to Blog #547: Transformers Artifact of the Week: Generation Two Dairy Queen Optimus Prime

  1. Chase says:

    Hiya Lewis!

    Any updates on this?

    Let me know when you get a chance, and have a great holiday season too 😀

  2. Chase says:

    Thank you so much!

    I really appreciate your kindness, and I hope you get well soon!

    Here’s also hoping the Sox keep their recent surge going as well!

    Please contact me once you find it!

  3. lmb3 says:

    I’m going to try to find it for you, but it’s going to take some time. I spent three months+ recovering from a fall last year, and I still can’t be on my feet that long. My attic is currently inaccessible, and I’m trying to stuff moved so I can get into it, but once I do, it could be in any one of 25+ tubs. I’m working on it. I won’t forget. I got your e-mail a couple of weeks ago. I’ll contact you there as soon as I find it.

  4. Chase says:

    Hi there!

    I am still interested in purchasing your Dairy Queen Optimus Prime, so I was just wondering if you’ve managed to track it down yet!

    I don’t mean to pester you, but I was just curious 😀

    Please let me know ;D

  5. Chase says:

    Hi friend!

    Are you also a fellow Patriots fan?

    Also, any luck finding the DQ Prime?

    Let me know 😀

  6. lmb3 says:

    I don’t have photos of the individual toys, and unfortunately, I can’t put my hands on them right now, but I have the store displays. is a good place for info, and they have pictures of most toys. is also great for toys photos.

  7. Chase says:


    So do you by chance have any pictures of the BW McDonalds toys at TF Museum?

    I have not been able to find any in the gallery, and I want to see pictures of the U3.

  8. lmb3 says:

    No, I’m not involved with Seibertron, but they do have a great site.

  9. Chase says:

    A lot of your collection reminds me of the figures on the Seibertron website. Do you also run this?

  10. lmb3 says:

    I got my first transformer in 1984 when I was ten, but I didn’t start really collecting until 1995 when I went to College and discovered other fans on the internet, and went to my first Botcon. So that would be 24 years. I was lucky. I got into it before the European and Japanese toy prices skyrocketed.

  11. Chase says:

    Nice! I am really impressed!

    I hope to someday add the DQ Prime to my collection, but I doubt it would ever rival yours!

    How long have you been collecting?

  12. lmb3 says:

    Thank you. Yes, that’s my personal collection on



  13. Chase says:

    Also, I’ve been looking around at the TFMusuem website, and it is awesome!

    Do you run that site as well?

  14. Chase says:


    Thank you so, so much!!! This has made my day!

    Can we exchange email addresses to allow us to stay in contact during the meantime? Also, do you use Pay Pal?

    Mine is Thank you!

  15. lmb3 says:

    Chase, I would sell it, but at the moment, its packed away with all my extra stuff, and it could be in one of twenty tubs that I can’t really access. I might be able to track it down later in the summer. When/if I find it, I’ll let you know.


  16. Chase says:

    I just read your article about the Dairy Queen Optimus Prime, and I was wondering if you’d be open to selling me one of them (since you said you had two).

    It is tops on my want-list, so please let me know ;D

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